Trademark and Charitable Status Updated

We have great pleasure to announce - after a few weeks hiatus of posting - two great steps Zooma Green Gives has taken forward. We are pleased to announce our applications for trademarks and our 501(3)(c) have been accepted. Any donation made to Zooma Green Gives in 2021 is now tax deductible.

All of you who have shared your support of us, we can not thank you enough. As you have been seeing in our blog posts we have been busy, and we have a lot more work to share. Please consider continuing to support Zooma Green Gives through financial donations through the link on our DONATE page.

If you would like to check out our trademarks at the United States Patent and Trademark office (USPTO), click the links below:

If you would like to check our charitable status with the United States Internal Revenue, click the link below:

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