The story of any group of people who sit at a local tavern involves discussions of work, family, politics and society. This group shares this story. Mike, Lauren, Jerome, Carl, Peggy, and Babs all have sat around sharing their stories and proposing questions and solutions to many of life’s problems.

The problem that none of the group could wrap their heads around was: Where does all this garbage go?

Each of us saw that the problems we observed were not the only ones, and we knew that wasting time was not a solution either.

Start the cycle

ZoomaGreen wants to change the image of recycling. We want to focus on sharing solutions. We know our collective efforts yield the greatest solutions.


Zooma is the first part of our company name because our actions and information will be immediately useful to our audience and customers. We want to help move towards solutions.


Green is the second part of our name because we want to help other better their lives and the environment with innovative products and events emphasizing, reducing, reusing, and recycling


ZoomaGreen wants to help individuals, municipalities and corporations find, develop, and implement solutions to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste.


Do you have a question or want to learn more?