ZoomaGreen NewsFeed

Check out what we are reading across the web. Each week we will be sharing new stories of how people are Starting the Cycle
Photo by Alex Knight from Pexels

Photo by Alex Knight from Pexels

NEWS | Residential Recycling I By John Biggs for Gizmodo.com

The Lasso Robot Wants to Make Recycling at Home Easier

How can we recycle more effectively from home? This article looks at how a machine can help to more effectively achieve a greater return on recycling at a residential level.


Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

NEWS I Residential Recycling I By Joshua M. Pearce for theconversation.com

How to turn plastic waste in your recycle bin into profit

So this may be down the rabbit hole for most residential recyclers, but our goal at ZoomaGreen.com is to promote innovation and this is both innovative and aspirational.


Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

NEWS I Corporate Recycling I Reporting by Siddharth Cavale in Bengaluru; Editing by Ramakrishnan M. for reuters.com

PepsiCo aims for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040

When a major corporate producer of food products sets goals we should be encouraging this behavior. Let us encourage more major corporations to set ambitious goals.


From Marc Newberry on Pexel.com @downrightpunch

From Marc Newberry on Pexel.com @downrightpunch

NEWS I Plastics I By US Department of Energgy

Department of Energy Releases Plastics Innovation Challenge Draft Roadmap and Request for Information

The United States government sees the importance of recycling plan, check out the goals for this program here.


From Erik Mclean on Pexel.com @introspectivedsgn

From Erik Mclean on Pexel.com @introspectivedsgn

NEWS I Plastics I Video produced by Daniel South, BBC

Kristal and her students are fighting to eradicate ocean plastic

Check out this story about how one woman’s work in the Bahamas led to that country’s ban on single use plastics.


From Weiqi Xiong on Pexel.com @wqq14

From Weiqi Xiong on Pexel.com @wqq14

NEWS I Plastics I By Ainslie Cromar

Introducing Obaggo: How one Melrose man hopes to inspire change in plastic bag recycling

We love innovative solution and this Massachusetts man has impressed us with this idea.



Photo by George Becker from Pexels

NEWS I Recycling Hotline I By Jeff Kart

Can That Be Recycled? New Instagram Hotline Can Help

We really respect the idea of this initiative. Mainly because it involves Instagram, and we do not understand Instagram



Photo by Krizjohn Rosales from Pexels

NEWS I Plastic Recycling I By Paul Valade

Girl Scouts turn 300 pounds of bottle caps into playground buddy benches

We love to share stories of people helping others through recycling. Check out what a group of suburban Girl Scouts did to help others and the environment.



Photo by mali maeder from Pexels

NEWS I Recycling Solutions I By Katherine Latham

The world's first 'infinite' plastic

We posted a few weeks ago about using plastic bags to make adhesives. This article looks at how to return plastics to the state they began


From Phillip Glickman on Pexel.com @phillipglickman

From Phillip Glickman on Pexel.com @phillipglickman

NEWS I Household Recyling I By John Biggs

The Lasso Robot Wants to Make Recycling at Home Easier

Robots hold a special place in our heart, until they run amok. We hope these robots can stay true to their mission.


From Xiaole Tao on Pexel.com @xiaole

From Xiaole Tao on Pexel.com @xiaole

NEWS I Plastics I By Joshua M. Pearce, The Conversation

How to turn plastic waste in your recycle bin into profit

We are amazed at what people who care can dream up and really make happen. Check out this story about how you can start creating your own 3D printing situation and make it sustainable.


From Nathan Dumlao on Pexel.com @nate_dumlao

From Nathan Dumlao on Pexel.com @nate_dumlao

NEWS I Food I By Maytal Angel

Little evidence coffee companies' sustainability efforts have impact: report

We know that a cup of coffee is costing us something, but we know can figure out something that is better than this.



NEWS I Zero Waste Company I By cleantechnica.com

Building a Zero-Waste, Solar Powered Brewery on an off-grid island.

As a group that understands the importance of beer - We love what these guys are about. Our frustration lies in their location. New Zealand.



NEWS I Metal Recycling I By David Brown

Recycling an Airplane:  What’s scrapped when an airplane retires?

We continue our destination posts with a trip to Europe to learn about how a plane is taken apart when its end of life has been reached.



NEWS I Community Recylcing I By islandfreepress.org

Recycling on Hatteras Island: Where Our Recycled Materials Land Once They Leave the Island?

The final post this week takes us to North Carolina’s Hatteras Island to learn about how a small community is finding solutions for recycling.



NEWS I Community Recyling I By gazette.com

Are faithful household recyclers in Colorado truly helping the planet, maybe

As avid recyclers we want to hear reports that recycling is working, but if it is not, we must learn how to change to improve this practice.



NEWS I Plastics I By news.berkley.edu

Upcycling: Turning plastic bags into adhesives

You know we love solutions to solid waste problems - especially with plastic grocery bags. Check out what our friends in California have come up with.
