The Douglas Center

Zooma Green Gives loves supporting local organizations that are directly supporting community members. We heard about a group in Skokie, IL called The Douglas Center whose mission is “to assist adults living with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities in improving their independent living skills and enrichment of their quality of life.” We reached out to them about donating hand sanitizer and found out they wanted to help others as well. In a later blog you will find out about how we partnered with Douglas Center to help another group in Chicago. We want to acknowledge the kindness of Rafitah Khan in helping us to coordinate this donation.

We want to acknowledge its been a long time since we posted, but we want our supporters to know we have been hard at work. In the upcoming weeks, you are going to be able to read about all the donations that occurred this summer. We are proud of our work and we want you to know that we continue to need your support. Please consider donating to Zooma Green Gives to help us continue the work of supporting individual and community organizations in financial or material need. Just click on the link to our Donate page at the top or bottom of the page.


The Letter Z


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