Chicago Urban League

As a group who understands the importance of education, we knew the pandemic was putting a strain on family resources and often times a new computer is hard to come by.

In August of 2020 and again in January of 2021, Zooma Green Gives coordinated a donation of refurbished laptops for students in the Chicago Public Schools with the help of Arcoa and the Chicago Urban League.

From the Chicago Urban League

Thank you for your generous donation in August 2020 of two (2) Dell Chromebooks and four (4) HP Chromebooks, valued at $150 each for a total of $900. 

This thoughtful and timely donation enabled the Chicago Urban League's Youth Services Center to provide laptops to our students who were most in need of equipment for remote learning as local schools pivoted amid the ongoing pandemic. It also makes it possible for these youth to participate in our virtual programming. During these challenging times, we are keenly aware that our work relies on the generosity of donors. 

Again, on behalf of our families and community, we thank you for your support 

Karen Freeman-Wilson
President and CEO



Marrillac St. Vincent DePaul